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Ella said that although she thinks it is great that her school is as open as it is, sometimes her fellow classmates can get in the way of the teaching.


Some of her classmates have a strong agenda about gender-neutral pronouns, and if a teacher forgets, the whole class can be disturbed.


It has happened more than once that an angry student has interrupted a lesson after the teacher has used the wrong pronoun.


”It can be quite annoying when the focus of the lecture is completely shifted to something we talk about more or less all the time. The teachers do their best, and sometimes they just haven’t gotten to that bit yet, so these interruptions lead to the structure of the lecture to be absolutely trashed.”


”Sometimes you want to hear about what the teacher is trying to teach you, not a monologue about gender neutral pronouns. It can take quite a bit of time to get through these interuptions and or discussions, which takes time away from what’s meant to be our teaching lessons.


”Sometimes you just want the curriculum, not a monologue.”


However, Ella does not regret choosing the school. Her previous school was on the other part of town, in a posher area of Stockholm.


”I’ve been to two extremes. At first I went to this very posh school where people were quite close-minded, and acquantances from there that I still have, mostly think gender fluidity is ridiculous.


”Now I go to this school where everything is normal and you can talk about anything, which is completely different from the school I used to go to. If I had to choose between the two, I would obviously choose my current school, but in a dream scenario I think I’d like something more inbetween.”